Welcome to Chongqing, get on the subway to the future
Chongqing is one of the world’s largest municipalities, with a population ofabout 30 million people, which is surely enough to make anyone sit up andtake notice
Just to put that figure in perspective, it’s the equivalent of half the population ofBritain all living in one mega-metropolis
So how does this city the size of a country move its people daily?
Igive you Chongqing's rail network
The masterminds behind these sprawling subway lines have had to deal withmountains, rivers and many challenging terrains in this now labeled 8D city
In Chongqing, there is a solution to every problem. Accept it, change it andmaster it. So that is exactly what engineers do, constructing a rail network tothe future
The monorails stand as an achievement on their own, having the powerfulability to cut directly into buildings and forests. Where large mountains oncestood in the way, the people have now pushed through with deep tunnels andhigh overpasses along the vast landscape
The most famous mind-boggling monorail route in Chongqing is the worldfamous Line 2.This first line was built in 2005. No this is not the Walt Disney World Monorailthat operates inside a theme park. This is Chongqing's world-class monorailline2. With speeds reaching 75Km/h - at a length of 31.36Km. The line hasover 25 stations
This technology no longer requires any outside expertise. Chongqing'smonorails are 95% locally patented
No station could ever be more popular than the world-famous Liziba Station.This engineering masterpiece looks like an optical illusion, but in reality, themonorail passes through the building. In fact, the building and station werebuilt at the same time.The famous Monorail Line 2 continues to createlandmarks throughout the city
By2025 Chongqing will have 1,000 kilometers of rail transit in operation andunder construction. The rail network serves its city as a connection for itspeople to commute while acting as a hub to all vital areas airports businessesand logistics
These lines connect millions of daily riders creating new cities surrounding itsstations. This 3D transportation grid zigzags across Chongqing's mountainouslandscape
These revolutionary lines act as veins of a beating infrastructural heart thatconnects everyone together, they will always be a physical proof of theeverlasting spirit and determination of Chongqing’s people to succeed
The people that power this network daily should also be recognized. Theseare the true heroes of Chongqing's extraordinary transportation lines. Everystation consistently stays updated on the latest technology includingsurveillance systems protecting its daily travelers in a safe and time-efficientway to their final destinations
The average daily passenger volume of Chongqing rail transit accounts forapproximately 40% of the total number of public transport trips. Rail transit hasbecome the first choice for its citizens. This proportion will be further improvedto alleviate urban traffic congestion and improve the public's efficiency
Both Chongqing and China recognize the vast advantages of infrastructureinvestments
Chongqing is building an "one-hour commuter circle," which includes suburbanrailways, intercity railways and national artery railways, in addition to monorailsand subways, totaling more than 6,000 kilometers
Chongqing’s rail transit infrastructure is mainly carried out in Chongqingmetropolitan area, where consists of 21 districts, covers a population of 20.27million and an economic aggregate of 1.8 trillion yuan, constituting the corecarrier of Chongqing as a national central city
If you think Chongqing has finished its goals in transportation, it's just gettingstarted
Chongqing and China are putting their money where their mouth is andinvesting billions into thefuture and its people. If you haven't already noticedthis, then you haven't been to paying attention to China
Go ahead underestimate the will of Chongqing's determination. You won't bethe first, You won't be the last, But you could be wrong