@CGTN消息,石正丽被称为“蝙蝠女侠”,在新冠疫情来袭之际,曾一度处于“阴谋论”话题的焦点。首次接触到2019新型冠状病毒样本后做了哪些病原鉴定工作?完成病毒基因组的测序是否意味着工作告一段落?10多年研究冠状病毒的经验与这次抗疫行动有何联系?是否开展了国际合作?武汉病毒研究所研究员石正丽在采访中一一解答。Shi Zhengli, a Chinese virologist based at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, has long been known as China's "bat woman" for tracking down dozens of SARS-like diseases in bats. She has recently been the focus of conspiracy theories during the COVID-19 outbreak. Her work and the lab have been accused of being the origins of the novel coronavirus. Recently, Shi published her new research into SARS-related pathogens, animal hosts and evolution. CGTN talked to the virologist to see how her work is contributing to the fight against the pandemic.